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 Sales Excellence: Optimize Sales, with Brains!



Dear readers

In an ideal world there is no reason to sell, because your product is so perfectly developed towards your target group that it sells like hot cake. If this is not the case with you, we have some input for you on how to optimize your sales…

It is no coincidence that “leadership in sales” is its own area, whereas you will not find any books on “leadership in production” or “leadership in controlling”. The sales division still attracts those freedom loving “artists”, who accelerate revenues into new spheres through their social competence and an extrinsic motivation. But to lead those teams is a special challenge, since there is hardly any area where you can enable – but also destroy – so much in a short period of time.

We present to you a practicable leadership model that is orientated towards different degrees of freedom. The big pressure towards further optimization has reached the sales division as a last bastion. But optimizing only works for those who are well informed. In our second article we will show you what market research can offer you here. It is interesting how much in sales still comes down to a gut feeling, although there are more than enough exact methods on offer.
For those who want their sales to reach sales excellence we can highly recommend our identically named congress in Munich. A preview is attached to this newsletter.

Enough sold, let’s get to reading!

Dr. Frederik Lehner
Interconnection Consulting

 Challenge: Leadership in Sales

How to Lead a Sales Department Optimized Towards Performance and Motivation!
People in proactive sales have their own DNA. Most of them are active, hungry and hopefully confident, but for the same reasons they are also not easy to lead. They often have their own opinions, a fact that not every executive appreciates. Sometimes they see themselves as a lawyer of the customer rather than as a defender of the corporate objectives (see pricing, goodwill, etc.).


 The Three Musketeers of Sales Analysis | Market Intelligence Tools for More Success in Sales

In the area of sales maximization, a lot of thought, money and training sessions are invested in order to optimize how something is sold. However, there are some optimizations that can not only be quickly identified with the three musketeers of sales analysis, they also make a much greater contribution to sales success. In the following, we will introduce you to one tool for each of the posed questions, although there are in fact several ways to answer these questions. We will be happy to show you which one is ideal for you after getting to know your individual situation.


 Market Monitor: Bioclimatic Pergolas had their first slowdown after impressive growth

Bioclimatic pergolas suffered a setback in volume for the first time and declined by -8,3% in 2022. Especially in the second half of the year, the whole outdoor living market was affected by a lack of demand, mainly due to the negative impact of the crisis on consumers’ spending.  “Bioclimatic pergolas experienced double-digit growth during COVID and a slowdown was expected, although more gradual” explains Dr. Armandi, the author of the study, and adds “in the medium-term fundamentals are still good and demand will resume”. Interconnection that the market will grow at an average yearly rate of 2,3% up to 2025 with a recovery expected only from 2024.

Figure of the month: -8.3%

Fall of the market for lamella roofs in Europe 2022. After a long boom, the sun protection industry must prepare for cloudy times.


 Interview with Silvia Agha-Schantl - Sales Excellence

@ Magdalena Seidl / Interconnection Consulting | October 2022

Ms. Mag. Agha-Schantl, we are pleased to announce you as a speaker in Germany after your appearance at the Sales Excellence Congress this November in Vienna. You are considered a communications expert, are President of the German Speakers Association Austria and have been active in the field for 16 years.

As a successful keynote speaker on the topics of sales, communication and leadership, you impart your communication know-how, among other things. What do you mean by this in a nutshell?

This is my method, which has been helping salespeople and executives to communicate even more skillfully for over 18 years. We often lose customers because we ask clumsy questions, we ask too few or we ourselves seem unsure or neglect one or the other aspect. And this is where my Know-WOW DNA comes into play. It helps to react adequately to the situation in order to appear competent - even under stress. For this to really succeed, a lot of training and discipline is needed in communication, just as in sports. And the more often we practice the new behavior or new formulations, the more likely we are to store them on our Know-WOW DNA.


Art-Tipp: Couch Gallery presents Martin Köster | The city painter

Martin Koester is fascinated by the beauty when a city transforms at nightfall. Car headlights that dance as lights in the streets, bright restaurant doors that light up the sidewalks – each of these lights has its own story and he loves to translate these stories into art.

Martin Kösters motive is a city, but the message is hope. Rain has passed and now the lights are dancing on the wet streets. The grim streets lead from solitude to light, a symbol of desire and hope.

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