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 Advertising with Impact



Editorial - Those Who Advertise Poorly Perish

Dear Readers,

An aura of myth and mystery surrounds the advertising industry; an industry in which no one is older but everyone wins several awards every year and yet vast sums of money are wasted without effect, because it is damn hard to change the behaviour of a target group with a few images and texts. The disparity between appearance and reality is so great because the measurement of advertising impact is actually very complex. But only those who can measure advertising impact turn an expenditure on advertising into an investment in the brand and that is what this newsletter is about.

We will begin with a small digression on advertising with testimonials and - more and more important - influencers. A study on this topic many years ago, earned me a call from Hansi Hinterseer's manager ("Mr Hinterseer is not embarrassing!") and press articles garnished with photos of Richard Lugner looking at women's underwear. Nevertheless, we will soon start a new edition in which we will test testimonials and influencers in the German-speaking world.

Whether advertising works or not is now measured with a hi-tech spectrum of methods that encompasses brain activity, emotions and the reaction of the pupils and can tell with pinpoint accuracy what works on the consumer and what doesn't. Some advertising agencies hate these methods.  Some advertising agencies hate these methods, as advertising investors they should love them,

Enjoy your reading,

Dr. Frederik Lehner
Executive Director
Interconnection Consulting



Give the Celebrity a Go!
Advertising with Testimonials and Influencers
How to be Successful with a Time-Tested Concept

Advertising with testimonials is not popular with all "If you can't think of anything else, use a celebrity or try sex sells" are quite common criticisms of the concept that advertising has been using since time immemorial: A well-known celebrity recommends a product and because of his or her credibility and fame, the consumer is supposed to do the same. Despite all the prophecies of doom: if it is done well, it works very well. The rise of influencers among young target groups in particular shows that the concept works even when it is clear that the brand recommendation has been bought.

Here are a few - very brief - rules on how it works. This applies to both testimonials and influencers.



Adverts Work - But How?
Measuring Advertising Impact Using Implicit Methods

The success of an advertising campaign depends on knowing the buying motives of the customers on the one hand and serving them with targeted communication on the other.
Conventional market research methods aimed at analysing the impact of advertising campaigns are mostly based on so-called "explicit" survey methods. These include, above all, interviews. The advantage is that there is always a result. The disadvantage - the result does not correspond to reality. If you base your marketing on this, you burn money.



Market Monitor: Windows in Austria: Good Order Situation Makes Online Sales Lag Behind

New Online Mystery Shopping Study Shows Sellers Are Out of their Depth

Corona has given e-commerce a new lease of life. However, Interconnection Consulting's annual online mystery shopping test of the Austrian window market shows major shortcomings in online sales, which can also be attributed to staff being overtaxed.


Number of the month: 41.3%

41.3% of window retailers do not respond to a specific request for a renovation project. This is a shockingly high percentage, but already a clear improvement on the previous year.




Market Insight Vision | New Congress for Marketing and Market Research in Vienna

Market Insight Vision will premiere as a new congress for marketing and market research in Vienna on 13 June 2023. In their presentations, leading experts will analyse the latest revolution in methods with a focus on new tools for more certainty in marketing decisions, because only by understanding customers and markets can you act successfully in the market!

Questionnaires and observation are a thing of the past! Today, semiotic observation, implicit methods, agile methods, insights from behavioural pricing or AI-based methods provide reliable data for decision-making. Market Insight Vision provides insights into new developments of the individual methods and their application and an outlook on where the journey is heading ...

Prof. Dr. Florian Bauer (Vocatus), Alexander Falser (Tchibo), Helene Karmasin (Helene Karmasin Behavioral Insights), Prof. Dr. Peter Gentsch (Entrepreneur, Scholar), Dr. Stefan Schiel (marketmind) and Dr. Frederik Lehner

➤ TARGET GROUP and Tickets
MIV is aimed at management, marketing and market research of companies of various sizes and at industry institutions. Tickets are available from 599.- ( at EARLY BIRD rates until 10.03.). MIV is organised as a hybrid event. The price includes refreshments during breaks, lunch and a joint evening.



Art Tip: Always On My Mind | Robert Hammerstiel & Franz Ecker 

Robert Hammerstiel's art stands out for its unique style: using bright colours and extremely reduced figurative elements, the artist conveys an emotional density that arises from the need to express memories of wartime experiences and the resulting refugee misery, as well as childhood traumas.

Driven by an incomprehensible productivity, Franz Ecker created an almost innumerable oeuvre in the course of his life, with an extreme stylistic breadth and numerous top works that are unparalleled in recent Austrian art history and whose significance has not yet been adequately grasped.


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