Waiting and relying on hope seldom lead to success.


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 Crisis Management

Editorial - Hope is Not a Strategy


There is a comforting realization amid economic downturns, recessions, and crises: they are temporary. After every recession, there has been an upswing that has more than compensated for the downturn. However, what works on a macro level is not a carte blanche for every company. Waiting idly and relying on hope rarely yields results. It's crucial to leverage the downturn to introduce new initiatives, and in this UPGRADE, we aim to provide you with some ideas.

• How toappropriately set prices in times of rampant inflation.
• How to judiciously choose new market segments.
• Strategies for finding and recruiting employees.

Enjoy your reading.
Dr. Frederik Lehner | Executive Director
Interconnection Consulting


Inflation Erodes Price Memory: What You Need to Do Now!

Inflation rates around 10% were considered "extinct" in our regions, and I recall that about two years ago, there were a series of articles by highly esteemed professors explaining why high inflation could no longer occur. A major misconception. In reality, prices in certain product categories are increasing by 20 – 30% annually, potentially leading to a doubling of prices within two to three years. This has dramatic implications for marketing. In marketing, it's not about determining the price based on cost considerations; it's about how the price is perceived by the customer: Does the price align with my positioning? Is it perceived as fair? Is the price still recognizable at all?


Seven Steps to New Markets

Impulsive decisions are risky even in times of economic downturn. However, it is periodically essential to consider whether to enter new market segments or explore new international markets. There is a systematic approach for this, which we will outline in seven steps here. We are happy to provide detailed elaboration when it comes to implementation. In reality, this process should be accompanied by workshops and market research to achieve meaningful results.


Baby Insight with the Number of the Month 41.6%

41.6% of parents in Europe's key markets are unfamiliar with any brand of baby car seats. This is a low figure for a product responsible for the safety of loved ones and frequently used on a daily basis. Low brand loyalty serves as an opportunity for cheap products and second-hand goods. The industry must leverage the crisis to strengthen its profile.


European Facade Summit in Vienna:
Pioneering Sustainability and Innovation into the Future

From March 29 to April 1, 2024, Dominique Perrault's Meliá Vienna will serve as the hub for experts in the facade construction and planning industry during the European Facade Summit (EFS). With a focus on intelligent and sustainable facade solutions, the congress provides an overview of current developments and looks towards the future with emerging, increasingly interconnected technologies, rising urbanization and gentrification, and the growing challenges associated with climate change.



 Art Tip: 50 Years of Galerie Lehner – Extensive Online Catalog

The name similarity with the managing director of InterConnection is not coincidental, and perhaps an anniversary is a good opportunity to delve into something entirely different. In the catalog for the anniversary exhibition spanning 50 years of gallery activity, you'll find not only 50 selected paintings by 50 artists who have been important companions but also an overview of the gallery's development and the art market since the distant year of 1973.


Recommendations | Upcoming Events

Smart and sustainable facade solutions | 29.02.-01.03.2024 / Meliá Vienna



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